Terms & Conditions
1. Membership
1.1. Your membership will begin on the day you join.
1.2. When paying by Direct Debit, there may be an initial joining fee that will be paid on the day you join by card.
1.3. Your membership is personal to you. You cannot transfer it to another person
2. Fees
2.1. You must pay a monthly membership which will be determined by your chosen membership package
2.2. Monthly instalments will be due on either the 1st 8th 15th or 25th of each calendar month or the next available working day by Direct Debit.
2.3. Any missed payments we will automatically try to retake your DD, if that payment method fails then we will take payment from the card you put on file when joining.
2.4. If your payments are set up with DFC any missed payments will result in a late payment charge of £10 (maximum of £30 if ignored) automatically collected by DFC on Probodies behalf.
2.5. Monthly fees are payable even if you do not use the centre.
3. Cancelling Your Membership
3.1. Memberships cannot be cancelled prior to the agreed 12 Months contract length that you have signed up for
and the last payment has been made. A contract may be cancelled once the final payment has been
made; this requires 30 days notice in writing to Probodies Health & Fitness (probodies79@hotmail.com).
3.2 Your Membership will automatically go on to a monthly rolling contract if you do not give the 30 days notice to cancel at the end of the agreed 12 months contract. A confirmation email will be sent back.
3.3 If you fail to keep your agreement , any money owed will be passed on to the debt collection company and you may incur charges.
3.4 No refunds on memberships paid in full.
4. Centre Rules.
4.1. You must comply with the centre rules/etiquette which forms part of this agreement.
4.2. We may change the rules/etiquette at any time. We will post notice of any changes at the centre.
4.3. Probodies Health & Fitness takes no responsibility for members personal belongings on site.
they are left at your own risk.
5. Facilities
5.1. You are entitled to use the facilities available for your category of membership package.
5.2. You may have to pay additional charges to use certain other facilities/activities at the Centre. You
can get a list of these from our reception points. We can change these prices at any time.
5.3. Before using any exercise equipment you must read and sign the Health Commitment
Statement/Pre Activity Questionnaire and we advise that you have a supervised induction session. We can refuse access to
the centre's facilities if we consider your health may be adversely affected by the use of such facilities.
5.4. Centre’s may open/close earlier during public holiday periods. Facilities may also close for
occasional special events. Notices will be displayed in the centre in advance notifying customers of any
changes. No refunds will be available for these periods.
5.5. We may change the centres opening times or withdraw any of the facilities at any time if we need
them for events, tournaments, exhibitions or other special activities.
5.6. We may need to close a facility or part of it for repair/refurbishment on the grounds of health and
safety or improving customer service. . In the above circumstances we will use our best endeavours to:
5.6.1. Give as much notice as is reasonably practicable by displaying notices in the centre.
5.7. Your membership does not give you priority over other users or guarantee the availability of
5.8. Probodies health & fitness management reserve the right to change the activity programme. Prior
notice will be given in the centre relating to activity cancellations or the introduction of new sessions.
5.9. Promotions do not apply to existing members.
6. Membership Cards.
6.1. You must submit your membership card at respective reception points when accessing facilities;
otherwise we will charge you the standard casual rate.
6.2. All members must have their photograph taken for identification purposes.
6.3. If you lose your membership card/wellness key we may charge you a fee to replace it.
7. Junior Members and Children.
7.1. If you are 16-17 (inclusive) your parent or guardian must sign this agreement on your behalf.
Ticking the box will be signing this agreement your parent or guardian agrees to be responsible for your behaviour and actions at all times and to pay us any amounts that are due on your behalf.